Western Region 

Mental Health & Nutrition Network

October 17-19, 2023

Las Vegas, NV

Be a part of the inaugural USDA funded mental health and nutrition network. Meet with experts in the fields of mental health and nutrition. Learn how mental health and nutrition intersect. 

We aim to address barriers to a healthy life at the intersection of mental health and nutrition.

Meet the team

The current Western Region Mental Health Nutrition Network is a team of mental health and nutrition experts from universities across the western US. We have a common goal of addressing the intersecting issues between nutrition and mental health 

Mandy Marney, PhD


Associate Director of Extension 

College of Agriculture, Life Science, and Natural Resources 

University of Wyoming  


Professor and Extension Specialist 

College of Agriculture, Biotechnology, and Natural resources 

University of Nevada Reno  


Assistant Professor 

Department of Family and Consumer Sciences 

Neuroscience Program

School of Computing

College of Agriculture, Life Sciences and Natural Resources  

University of Wyoming 

Organizing Committee

Associate Director of Extension  

Montana State University  

Assistant Professor and Extension Mental Health Specialist 

Department of Health and Human Development  

College of Health and Human Development 

Montana State University 

Assistant Professor of Cooperative Extension

Department of Nutrition

University of California Davis

Assistant Professor 

Department of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology 

Elson S Floyd College of Medicine 

Washington State University

Support Staff

Jennifer Mesnerser 

Demi Dusenberry

Graphic & Web Design

University of Wyoming