Presentation Powerpoints
Day 1
Day 1
Review the powerpoints from the first day of the WRMHNN meeting. If you have trouble with access give us an email!
00. eric.pdf
0. WRMHNN_intro.pdf
4. CASAT.pdf
3. WRMHNN Garden club collaberation 3.1 for Western mental health conference with notes (002) - Cynthia Aspengren.pdf
2. 3Square.pdf
1. UCANR Mental Health Conf 10.2023 upload - AK K.pdf
Day 2 and 3
Day 2 and 3
View the amazing powerpoints from the 2 and 3 days!
5. BrennanMentalWellnessConversationsProject.pdf
4. WRMHNN presentation Martinez and Plawecki_COVID Trilogy - Karen Plawecki.pdf
6. Piko to Piko WRMHNN - Mandilyn Suzuki.pdf
5. WRM Finalized Slides - Lucinda Banegas.pdf
1. Mindset and Motivation PPT WRMHNN Conference - Dianne Christensen.pdf
7. Food Introduction (Western Region) - Hallie Cristobal.pdf
3. WRMHNN CACFP - Danielle L. Lee.pdf
2. Zena Edwards WRMHN Network October 2023.pdf